Fimo distribution agreement

Dear Customers,We are pleased to inform you that we have closed a distribution agreement for Spain and Portugal with the FIMO Group, a reference in the design and implementation of components and solutions for infrastructures in the telecommunications sector.We are very pleased to be able to expand and complement our product portfolio. This new agreement […]
MWC 2025

We are pleased to inform you that from 3rd to 6th of March 2025 we will be exhibiting in MWC Barcelona our product portfolio of in-building solutions and Antenna Line products as well as our Camouflage Base Station Antennas, among others. If you would like to make an appointment with us during or after the fair, please do not hesitate to contact […]
Madcool Festival – Lens Technology

MADCOOL festival has the most advanced lens technology antennas of the manufacturer MATSING to give the highest capacity and data speed to its customers. During the month of July, the MADCOOL festival took place, which is one of the most popular events in Spain where thousands of people come together to enjoy the spectacle of […]
Collaboration Valencia floods

Dear customers / partners, Following the news you may have received about the floods in Valencia, we would first of all like to inform you that our company and employees are well. We are deeply concerned and dismayed by what has happened and our involvement with the affected families, relatives, friends and other citizens is […]

ESB will equip the largest football stadium in Europe with active DAS Solutions. The project will consist of deploying the active DAS solution capable of providing the latest cellular technology in Spain to more than 100.000 fans and guaranteeing the best user experience, who will be able to enjoy ultra-fast connectivity speeds, low latency and extraordinary […]
MWC 2024

We would like to inform you that we will be exhibiting at the next MWC Barcelona 2024 our product portfolio of in-building solutions and Antenna Line products as well as our Camouflage Base Station Antennas. If you would like to make an appointment with us during or after the fair, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following link: […]
PMRExpo 2023

We would like to inform you that we will be exhibiting at the next PMRExpo 2023 our portfolio of in-Building solutions and Antenna Line products, Camouflage Base Station Antennas, and Public Safety products. If you would like to make an appointment with us during or after the fair, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following link: Join […]
Telegärtner Distributionsvereinbarung / Distribution Agreement

Sehr geehrte Kunden,Wir möchten Sie über eine Distributionsvereinbarung zwischen Telegärtner und ESB Sistemas informieren, die am 20.Juni 2023 geschlossen wurde.ESB Sistemas kann nun das gesamte Mobile Communications Solutions Portfolio von Telegärtner an seine Kunden in Deutschland vermarkten.Das relevante Portfolio beinhaltet Steckverbinder, Jumper Kabel, RET Kabel, Glasfaser Kabel und weitere Produkte.Eine Gesamtübersicht finden Sie unter folgendem […]
Acordo de distribuição: MatSing

Caros clientes, Temos o prazer de anunciar que celebrámos um acordo de distribuição com o fabricante de antenas MatSing para Espanha e Portugal. MatSing é um pioneiro em lentes RF, transformando a tecnologia de antenas utilizada para fornecer conectividade móvel. As suas antenas de lentes multifeixe proporcionam uma capacidade de rede inigualável e proporcionam uma […]

We would like to inform you that we will be exhibiting at the next MWC Barcelona 2023 our product portfolio of in-building solutions and Antenna Line products as well as our Camouflage Base Station Antennas. If you would like to make an appointment with us during or after the fair, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following […]